Addition Elements

Within the digipack design, we included additional elements to make the digipack appear as realistic as possible.
Such elements as a bar code was added. This adds realism to our digipack as all the designs of existing digipacks had this carefully composed on the album design.  To the left is the bar code we used, as you can see, it is a fake as the numbers go up in order.

Also to make our digipack authentic, the copy right logo but also an additional blurb was added. This was constructed by looking at different album 'blurbs' and creating our own with the required elements to address within this blurb. To the right is a screen shot of what we came up with and merged it with the 'copy right' logo.

An idea to make our digipack look professional was to add a different logo or sign to the back of the design. As we noticed that the digipacks/ albums from our genre had different production and recording logos within the design, we came up with our own. The Suffolk One Logo became a strong idea as it was original to our digipack. As the original logo is purple, we decided this did not fit within our design and therefore changed it to monochrome colours and in effect suited the digipack design.  This is shown on the right.

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