Chris Brown - Kiss Kiss

The music video for Chris Brown - Kiss Kiss, uses Binary Opposition narrative. Mostly common by using the same person, showing different personalities or social status. 
Within this particular music video Chris Brown, the star image, plays a role of a popular kid, then contrasting it with a geek character. This narrative complements these two characters as both characters are fighting over the same girl. The location of this particular music video is a stereotypical American High School, which is well known for the different stereotypes of people but also the social status of these stereotypes, which in this case is 'Jocks and Geeks'. The females within this music video are portrayed voyeuristically as shown by a slow shot of a female character  as she walks through a corridor. This is emphasised as the music of the track stops, making the viewer concentrate of the visual aspects of the music video more so. The 'Jock' characters are wearing red within their clothing, suggesting dominance or a threat.

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