Star Image : Christian Aguilera

Christina Aguilera is a well known artist with a high profile within the music industry. The way in which she is perceived through different media that creates this star image. Different techniques and ideas have gone into the marketing of Christina Aguilera such as voyeurism, star image and her media resources such as music videos to make Christina Aguilera an icon within the media.
Within Christina Aguilera's music videos many elements are used to create an image for her by the directors. This could be partly  to make the artist, in this case Christina Aguilera be shown in a certain way towards her target audience and also for a marketing point of view. Christina Aguilera was always involved within her music videos, including performance, by lip-sync and dancing. But also incorporating a narrative within her music videos. This proved that Christina could do more than just sing, she has put forward her other talents such as acting later on in her career. 
Christian Aguilera became a well known artist and is admired by the majority of her target audience. The way in which Christina looks also furthered her career as being a sex icon. Even from the beginning of her career such as one of her first hits “Genie In A Bottle”, voyeuristic elements where present within the whole video. Straight away at the beginning, Christina is laying in a suggestive or even in a seductive manner on a beach in a shorts and a crop top. With this, Christina’s body is on show and therefore influencing a male gaze on her. But also this allows woman to look at her in a envious way and therefore they may want to change themselves to be more like her. Such as her costume, the female audience may purchase items of clothing similar to the costumes within her music videos.  
In contrast to “Not Myself Tonight” which is the highly voyeuristic and sexualised. The Mise-en-Scene is just the start of how this has been achieved. Such as the clothing Christina and also the dancers are wearing. These include, rubber and PVC that shows off the female form by clinging to the body. This therefore shows the audience what body shape and what Christina may look next to nothing. This consists of clear voyeuristic elements within the whole video through clothing. Props also add to the costumes such as a whip, which suggest a sexual nature. This could be connected to how woman are portrayed in the media as sexual objects. Also Christina is in heels throughout the whole video, this also could be seen as a sexualisation of the video, as heels are suppose to curve the body and by the media, makes a woman more attractive, creating the male gaze.
With some of her earlier videos as Christina’s career was near it’s peek,“Dirrty” which yet again, Christina’s body is on show and the clothing/costumes became an icon of the music video. This was down to the upraw in which it caused within the media. At the time, the clothing/costume was argued inappropriate for the younger side of her target audience and that it was too revelling. This got Christina into other media such as magazines and in the press. This could be seen as a marketing tactic to publicise her career and to get herself noticed. This in effect would get her single out as it would be played on television, therefore would be viewed by a wider range audience and therefore getting more sales. This is all apart of a “Star Image” that Christina Aguilera has gained for herself to further her career.
Their a many ways in which Christian Aguilera has created this 'Star Image' for herself. Certain camera angles such as close ups will establish to the audience what the artist looks like so therefore they can be recognised by their target audience which all apart of marketing techniques to gain more of a 'Star Image'. Christina Aguilera has used contextuality to increase her star image such as being in a music video for Moulin Rouge and her more recent one which Christina actually featured in, Burlesque. This was her 'come back' to the music industry after taking herself out of the music industry to have a child. Both of these films/music video have voyeuristic narratives. To add to this 'come back', Christina performed on the 'X Factor' with a soundtrack from her new featured film. This therefore got Christina recognised once again whiles promoting her new film. Continuing with the typical voyeuristic approach Christina Aguilera was known for.
Christina throughout her career has looked at different aspects of expanding her star image. She has extended it to the female market by the producing her own brand of perfume. Which has been successfully marketed and she has moved on and brought out new fragrances. She has also extenuated furtherer into the retail market by recently producing a jewellery range. This will lead more of the female audience to increase the star image of what Christina Aguilera has. Christina Aguilera has also widened her resources by incorporating technological convergence such as her website ( ). She has brought all information and different media resources to this website, advertising her fragrances, interviews, upcoming events, new singles, albums, different websites such as 'Twitter' and charity work. 

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