Treatment/ Proposal

Suspense is built, as a life decision about the protagonists life is in the hands of his love for this female. Confusion runs through his mind as his mind set in reality has crossed over with fantasy. Time is no issue, this sense disappeared a long time ago, when desperation kicks in. Waking up, confused and hopeless as his love leads him to a place of tranquillity, a fantasy in which he believes is really, a world with her. The journey in which he takes, to have full contact with this female, chasing her, reaching for an equilibrium. Routine becomes alien as the world becomes non existent, corridors and walls passing him, loosing his bearings as the light of hope begins to die. Human senses become enemies, nothing looks the same, voices in the distance begin to fade, the memory of her touch becomes a sin, his world is now hers. Her unique mind drips of crimson, driven by guilt, regrets are few but one stands between her and his sanity, his illness, his existence. The role reversal, as her dependence on him exceeds his love. Control is futile, hope become hopeless as he makes the final move.

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