Extra Footage

We decided to add some addition footage to our music video in which could add interest and subside from getting bored of the constant narrative.
First of all we record falling leaves. This seemed suitable for out music video as it was based in a woods and the season of recording was autumn which helped. For this to happen on demand, we had to recreate falling leaves by grabbing clumps of leaves and rubbing them to make them fall as naturally as possible.

Footage such as a clock would add to the narrative of our music video from a contextual point to Alice In Wonderland, but also to the editing techniques we would use as a shift in time would be a key aspect to our narrative. First off, we used a quite modern clock but this appear problematic as the technology made the process of filming. Also this modern clock didn't have a second hand so to see a shift in time, we had to film the clock for an hour. (Left hand image) The right hand image shows the clock that we used within our footage which was more old fashioned and tradition that would suit more as opposed to the modern clock of the codes and conventions.

Other footage such as playing cards falling were also used within our music video as they support and emphasis the contextuality of Alice In Wonderland further especially the 'Queen of Hearts'.

As you can see from the picture on the right hand side, insects were also used within out music video. As some of the insects we used such as crickets, wax worms and earth worms. This idea is commonly used within the music videos of our genre such  as 'Disturbed - Stricken'. These could create distress a crudity to our music video. The image bellow to the left, is the prime example of this distress, as one of the crickets has appear to have died and the remaining crickets have started to eat the deceased cricket. The image on the right however shows the consequences of this 'dog eat dog world'. If you look closely, where it should have 6 legs, this on however has only 4. 

This in conscience is a literally meaning of what the band themselves, quoted what the track of our music video is about shown above.

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