Additional Elements

Additional elements were added to our advert to make it appear professional but also similar to typical adverts within our target audience.

The digipack cover that we produced seemed to be a necessity within our design of our advert. The composition of the preview digipack would have to be clear and notice so that the digipack can be recognised and therefore being promoted.

The complement this, we added the itunes logo, this was to show that the album can be easily accessed by  more modern techniques of downloading music. This shows that our band is media zavi but also well know to be on iTunes, a worldwide company, widening the target audience. Within our specific advert, we inverted this to makes the logo more legible as the chosen background was dark. Therefor the logo how it is on the right, wouldn't advertise this fact.

As a common element to adverts within our genre weren't just to advertise the new upcoming/ released album, but also gig/ concert dates. Additionally adding the locations of specific gigs would be make the advert more authentic.

While designing the advert, we used a similar set of photoshop brushes that shows a clear connection to the digipack itself but also to add generic codes a conventions, such as blood splats, that were common in similar products within our genre.

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